[ Викачати з сервера (1.47 Mb) ] | 17.12.2009, 01:44 |
The debates of the EFF show how European feminism
is still vital and alive. The monograph points to some of the core feminist debates in Europe around solidarity, affinity, movement organizing, body politics and sexualities, economic precarity, funding and migration. The main conclusion from the EFF experience is that there is no one European feminism but a plurivocality of European women’s voices that are taking up feminism in different themes and activities. Nor is there a clear one Europe. The EFF raised many questions about what makes a European. Certainly we understood that to be European meant more than holding a passport of one of 27 countries that make up the EU. The EFF decided that anyone who defined themselves as European and as feminist could join. Still, questions had to be asked: if it is not geography or citizenship that determines being European, then is there some European culture to which we all identified? Clearly not, as the EFF found many differences among Eastern, Southern, Western and Northern Europeans as well as for newly arrived Europeans seen as migrants or non- Europeans however long they may live in Europe and with whatever legal status. Then what about the groups who have lived geographically within Europe for centuries, such as the Roma, but have never belonged to mainstream European culture? The EFF encouraged such questions about feminism and Europe, and the answers were left open and fluid in the forum. Similarly, the EFF emphasizes that there is no such phenomena as ‘European feminism’. Nor is there agreement about what ‘wave’ of feminism we are in, or indeed if it is a good idea to talk about waves. Some spoke about a ‘third wave’ of feminism to distinguish the web-based crowd of younger women from the older generation of activists who fought for abortion and sexual self-determination and had very different agendas according to what side of the wall they were on. What emerged is that young women from all ethnicities and religions and parts of Europe are taking up activism in general, and within that feminism, with renewed vigour. The theme of intergenerational dialogue and intersectionality takes different hues according to who is speaking. Young voices from the ‘third wave’ were critical and made sure they had the space. As one of the initiators of the young feminists’ network said at the AWID conference in 2008: "To build an organized movement and coordinate joint activities and responses a network is essential. However, creating a network is a huge responsibility, continuity for a reasonable period is necessary; certain activities like sharing information, meetings, joint initiatives should be organized. If there is no capacity to take this responsibility, further development and wider structures for involvement are not being created, which prevents young women from gaining voice | |
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