Другий день міжнародного конгресу жіночих музеїв
10.09.09: In the morning the following museums presented themselves:
- the women’s museum of Alice Springs, Australia
- the women’s museum of Gorée, Senegal, Africa
- the muSIEum, the virtual museum of Vienna, Austria, Europe
- the women’s museum of Merano, Italy, Europe
In the afternoon:
Dr. Regina Wonisch speaks about Women and Museums. She asked the women’s museums to take attention HOW to make expositions, not only WHAT will be exposed.
Prof. Angelika Ruge-Schatz speaks about the new ways of museum’s work. She is thinking that women’s museums can be part of the ICOm as a International Comittee and ask the women’s museums to be open for the dialog.
After these two speakers the following museums and organizations present themselves:
- the women’s museum of Aarhus, Danmark, Europe
- GYNAKIKA, a female association of Antwerp, Belgium, Europe
- the museum Anna Nordlander, Skelleftea, Sweden, Europe
- the women’s museum initiative of Teheran, Iran, Asia
The presentations and the speechs will be part of the next documentation publicized by the women’s museum of Bonn (Germany).
Here a little gallery of the 2nd day: http://www.womeninmuseum.net/blog/?p=1174
Категорія: Новини музею | Переглядів: 1670 | Додав: gender | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всього коментарів: 0
Субота, 01.02.2025, 16:55
Вітаю Вас Гость

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16 днів проти насильства [21]
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