Third day of IInd Feminist Congress in Buenos Airs/Argentina
The last day of the congress we had 75 (!) Paper readings and audio-visual formats at the different class rooms of the University "J.F. Kennedy” in the Bartolomé Mitre Street in the morning.
The topics were:
  • Culture and Art, Women’s Art Production (speakers from: Argentina, USA)
  • Education and Gender (speakers from: Chile, Brasil, Argentina, Finlandia, Venezuela, Cuba)
  • Women, Religions and Churches (speakers from: Argentina, Spain)
  • Labor, Working Women (speakers from: Argentina, Spain)
  • Sovereignty of Women on their Bodies. Lesbianism. Birth Control and Abortion (speakers from: Argentina)
  • Subjectivity: identifies and culture (speakers from: Argentina)
  • State, Public Policies and Gender Relationships (speakers from: Argentina, Spain, Brasil, Venezuela)
  • Harmonizing Dance Workshop. Group Communication (speakers from: Argentina)
  • Women in the Social Revolution of 20th Century (speakers from: China, Argentina)
  • Biographies and Life Stories along the Century (speakers from: Argentina)
  • Women`s struggle and Feminism (speakers from: Costa Rica, Venezuela, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Spain)
  • Since the Olimpic Movement up to Present Sport Practices (speakers from: Uruguay, Argentina)
In the afternoon the reports of experiences came from:
Ana Maria Riviero from the Farming and Animal Husbandry Women in Struggle from Rosario Argentina. She was telling about the hard life of farmers in her county and the problem of globalization there, but also from the problems of the women, for example that they can learn to drive tractor but not the car, so that they can not use it to go out for themselves.
Two students of Gender from the Chile University in Santiago explained that they want to start a southamerican network by Internet to continue the discussions of the IInd Feminist Congress.

Last but not least Astrid Schönweger and Bettina Bab were explaining the International Net of Women’s Museums (network womeninmuseum). They used the opportunity to explain the importance of women’s museums for the feminist and gender movement.

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П`ятниця, 10.01.2025, 06:48
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