Visit Bangladesh with MWMP
Visit Bangladesh with MWMP
Throughout 2010, hundreds of supporters have been signing-up to become Women's Rights Champions for the More Women More Power Campaign, pledging to use their voices here in the UK to raise the profile of human rights violations suffered by women all around the world.
Together, we have already been working to raise awareness of some of the issues faced by our partners in Bangladesh, including watching the video Defiant Voices, and signing a letter to UK MEPs standing up against caste discrimination.
Now, we are inviting one of these lucky campaigners to become the ultimate Women's Rights Champion, joining us on a visit to Bangladesh to see this work on a fully funded trip at the end of the year.
We want one of you to have the opportunity to visit some of the organisations we support in the city of Dhaka, to see first hand the work being done to secure women's rights and to meet some of the inspirational women we work with. In return, we'll be asking you to share your experiences with fellow campaigners back here in the UK.
For a chance to be involved, you need to firstly ensure that you are one of our Women's Rights Champions.

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Середа, 05.02.2025, 14:43
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Категорії розділу

Новини музею [64]
Акції та звернення [64]
16 днів проти насильства [21]
Всесвітня кампанія
100-річчя 8 березня [7]
Жіночі сторінки історії [10]
календар знаменних та пам’ятних дат
Новини Всеукраїнської мережі Центрів гендерної освіти ВНЗ [46]


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