Campaign «Women Support Women»

Do you like visiting museums? Visit Museum of Women

If you don't like to spend your time in museum, it's because you've never been to really interesting museum.

What about museum which is about you? Or you mother, your grandmother?

This is the Museum of Women's History, or in other words - Gender Museum.

In this museum you can see, how Ukrainian women lived several centuries ago, what they famous for and how they moved the society forward. It often seems that history knows only men's names, but in fact women did much more than it is widely thought. Women were inventors, scientists, politicians and even warriors.

Only in this museum you will learn facts about women, which would never be written even in historical books: customs, rituals, artworks, paintings and numerous other evidences of life of Ukrainian women during centuries.

This Museum was created by women for women, though men also willingly visit its exhibitions.

The Museum has a large collection, dozens of exhibitions, which were many times shown in different regions of Ukraine and were honored abroad.

At that the Museum does not have permanent premises, its collections are kept in different places, which negatively influences their integrity.

At present the Museum found premises on the first floor with area of 50 m² in the center of Kharkiv city to place its permanent and changing interactive exhibitions. But it needs repairing that costs 60 thousand hryvnias.

Ukrainian Women's Fund decided to help the Gender Museum and calls you to join!

Within its campaign «Women Support Women» the UWF suggests to provide help to the Museum by transferring money to specially opened account. Money will be collected till December 25, 2012.

 Bank details for contribution transfer:



Name of beneficiary of bank account: ICF ”Ukrainian Women’s Fund”

Bank Name: PJSC «Energobank»

Bank Address:  56 Vozdvizhenskaya str.

City, State, Post Code: Kyiv, 01025

Country: Ukraine


Bank account number: 260063216301


Information on corresponding bank

Bank Name: CommerzBank AG, Frankfurt am Main


Corr. Account: 400 88 66 394 0

Payment purpose: Charitable donation to the action «Women Support Women», without VAT

In US dollars


Name of beneficiary of bank account: ICF ”Ukrainian Women’s Fund”

Bank Name:  PJSC "Energobank”

Bank Address:  56 Vozdvizhenska street

City, State, Post Code: Kyiv, 01025

Country: Ukraine


Bank account number: 260033216302


Information on corresponding bank

Bank Name: Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas

Bank Address: Church Street Station

City, State, Post Code, Country: New York, 10008-0318, USA

SWIFT code: BKTR US 33

Corr. Account: 04401768


Payment purpose: Charitable donation to the action «Women Support Women», without VAT


 In its turn, Ukrainian Women's Fund undertakes to increase the amount of collected funds by 25% and transfer them to the Museum's account.


Every week information about collecting and using the funds will be updated on the Museums website www.gendermuseum.com.


Names of all donors will be placed on the Museum's Wall of Gratitude and on website of Ukrainian Women's Fund.


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Вівторок, 14.01.2025, 00:42
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Категорії розділу

Новини музею [64]
Акції та звернення [64]
16 днів проти насильства [21]
Всесвітня кампанія
100-річчя 8 березня [7]
Жіночі сторінки історії [10]
календар знаменних та пам’ятних дат
Новини Всеукраїнської мережі Центрів гендерної освіти ВНЗ [46]


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«  Грудень 2012  »


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